Frequently asked questions

Do I need reactStrictMode: false to use Keystatic?

Yes, you do.

If you’re hitting strange issues, like your content not persisting after hitting save, or some Admin UI error notifications… there’s a good chance you have React strict more turned on.

Turning it off will make most of those issues go away.

Can I increase Body exceeded 1mb limit on an entry?

When creating a new entry, you might hit the following error:


In the context of Next.js, this is because API routes have a size limitations for requests and responses

You can increase (or turn off in the case of the response) these limit by exporting a custom config to the pages/api/keystatic/[[...params]].tsx API page like so:

import { makeAPIRouteHandler } from '@keystatic/next/api'
import keystaticConfig from '../../../keystatic.config'

+ export const config = {
+   api: {
+     bodyParser: {
+       sizeLimit: '20mb',
+     },
+     responseLimit: '20mb',
+   },
+ }

export default makeAPIRouteHandler({ config: keystaticConfig })

You’ll find more information on Next.js’ API route config documentation here: